"Sharply judge talent": the audience "Voice. Children »criticize the ledge, Cre and Bast


Mentors of the second season show "Voice. Children, it seems, finally disappointed the audience. At first they were outraged indecently frank outfit Svetlana Loboda and her endless overhangs with a cloust and Yegor's crum, which in a children's television project, to put it mildly, inappropriate. Now the fans of the show are indigrant about the fact that celebrities sitting in red chairs did not appreciate the speech of the 14-year singer Elena Chesnock.

The girl performed the song "White Snow", written in Soviet times by Evgeny Rodgyin and Gregory Warsaw. In our days, the composition has become popular today thanks to Pelagae, which included it in their concert programs. And it is worth noting, young Elena Chesnokova sang a work at such a high level that the famous singer could be proud of it.

Mentors of the second season also noticed that the girl made an adult and already held an artist, despite the fact that in the blind auditions none of them turned to her.

Loboda admitted that he sees and feels the possibility of the voice of the contestant, but does not quite understand whether it will be able to choose the proper songs and the repertoire for her voice, because it is inclined to "energetic voices."

Basta said that Elena "an amazingly crystally sound person with an amazingly subtle, sensual, right voice, and explained why he did not choose it to further participate in the show:" Often people sitting here cannot offer anything in the sense that you have already collected full image. For its part, I can offer my help in the report of your musical concept to the viewer. "

And the leading Dmitry Nagiyev, when he met Elena behind the scenes, stressed that her performance looked in this competitive program as a concert number, and called a bright man and a real star.

Network users in the comments expressed indignation by the behavior of famous members of the jury. They noted that they do not understand why such mentors are needed who cannot give talented children and deprive them of their ability to express themselves even in this project.

"The case when the contestant sings better than" mentors "," silent talent are judged "," a crystal voice, such little on our stage "," she silently performed this song so beautifully. I am very insulting for her, "the" voice "project died, and to reanimate it already, alas, it is impossible!" - consider the audience.

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