Josh Hartnett explained why the roles of Batman and Superman refused


42-year-old actor Josh Hartnett could play religious characters from comics in the appropriate screenings - he was offered the roles of Bruce Wayne / Batman and Clark Kent / Superman. But he rejected these characters, as she told recently in a conversation with Metro.

"At this age it is very easy to become a foreign gun or a puppet," I noticed the actor, adding that I didn't want to "drive into the angle" with the same type of heroes.

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Josh, the most famous for participation in the film "Pearl-Harbor" with Ben Affleck, noted that he realizes his choice and does not regret the refusal of both roles, although it admits that at that time he could not "predict what will talk about it years later. "

"I was always interested in stories about people, and I did not want to put me in this superhero canon. At that time, many actors had to fight very hard to return to his career after they played such characters, "Josh concluded.

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Currently, Hartnett is starring in the leader's number one tape: his character is a real Canadian journalist Viktor Malarek. The latter tried to release a small drug trader after he was sentenced to 100 years in Thai prison when the police were substituted.

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