Podolskaya thanked her husband for children in honor of the 53th anniversary: ​​"You are my edge"


Natalia Podolskaya in the final post in Instagram showed the "Carousel" of the pictures in an embrace with Vladimir Presnyakov, on which all attention is worthwhile to the singer - such a variety of original dresses. However, the Hero of Publication is the spouse of Natalia. Vladimir was 53 years old, and she decided to congratulate him happy birthday on the net.

"I'm shining next to you," Podolskaya began their recognition. Last October, the artist became a mom for the second time, after which she soon began to appear in the world, hitting a great view. She admitted that she often asked about how she managed to look so amazingly, while preserving youth? Natalia sees the main reason in the spouse. "I just have a very good and loving husband," she explained.

The performer of the hit "Late" thanked Presnyakov for children. She is confident that in the question of continuing the kind of gratitude deserves not only a woman, but also a man. And the singer is very pleased, as her spouse performs his father's duties, as it is with the guys. She considers Vladimir a stunning dad. Told Natalia a few words about the birthday boy and how about her husband. "You are my edge (in the sense, I'm yours)! You are my rear! You are my best man on earth! Happy Birthday, My Vova, "the actress gradually finished the congratulation.

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