Podolskaya boasted a gift from her husband for the Second Son: "Stayed"


In the family of Vladimir Presnyakov, the Jr. and his wife, the singer Natalia Podolskaya in October last year, a second child was born. Parents called their heir to Ivan. By the way, for the musician, this son became the third: he has an adult son Nikita, who was born in relations with Christina Orbakaite.

The graduate of the "Stars Factory" willingly tells on the net about its second motherhood and answers the questions of fans. Recently, 38-year-old Natalia Podolskaya told about how a luxury gift made her spouse in honor of the birth of the youngest son. As the star admitted in a conversation with the correspondents of the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" publication, the gift was not a surprise for her, as she chose him herself. "In fact, I cherished, and my gift herself chose himself. I had a dream - the Cartier watch, and Vova performed it, "said the star mother. As the publication specifies, the average price of products of this brand from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles.

At the same time, the star noted that Vladimir Presnyakov had changed a lot with the birth of the second child. He actively helps his wife and is happy to spend time with a crowded son the theme that has recently been six years old. "A husband incredibly helps me: he completely took the older theme on himself, they have some kind of male classes there. Volodya became much more responsible and adult, "the singer clarified.

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