Presnyakov vinyl himself in a gap with orbakayte: "turned away and cried"


The personal life of many stars of the Russian show business is of strong interest from the fans, especially if it is the first magnitude stars. For many years, Roman Christina Orbakayte and Vladimir Presnyakova-younger was everyone for hearing. Young lovers lived in a civil marriage for several years, despite the pretty young age of the daughter of Alla Pugacheva.

A newly famous musician Vladimir Presnyak-Sr. Vladimir revealed the secret of parting this pair and told how his son suffered a break. He suggested that the relationship could have to work out differently if the singer made a sentence of Christine. This composer spoke in an interview with correspondents of the publication "Moscow Komsomolets".

As the Sr. Presnyakov noted, Christina Orbakaite at the beginning of the relationship very much strained the absence of a stamp in the passport. She really wanted it, like many girls, but the press-younger did not hurry to call their chosen to the registry office. Even the birth of their firstborn Nikita did not make a performer for a romantic act.

The musician's father admitted that he believes his son guilty of parting this beautiful couple. Presnyakov wanted to make Kristina home, family, but did not do the main offer. By the way, the participant of the Group "Gems" remembered that his son himself understood it then and vinyl herself that he could not save his family. "Once I could not even restrain: turned away and cried. Christina was also deeply worried, "said Vladimir Presnyakov-senior.

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