"Three years": Dmitry Malikov shared a snapshot of the grown son


Dmitry Malikov published in microblog new photo of his son Brand: Happy kid posing near chocolate cake with three candles.

"Happy birthday, my favorite boy!" - gently signed the artist frame and put the "talking" hashteg # 3 year.

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In the comments to congratulations joined hundreds of Folloviers Malikov, as well as his star friends. "Three years old as an instant," Igor Nikolayev noticed, whose little daughter also grows up. "Time rushes ...", "Dmitry agreed.

Recall that the long-awaited heir to the singer was born in 2018 due to the surrogate mother. However, the biological parents of the boy are the Malikov himself and his spouse Elena Isakson. In addition, they have a common daughter of Stefania, who also did not forget to congratulate her younger brother.

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A 20-year-old Stesh shared with a cute snapshot with his mother's subscribers, dad and a birthday boy and recalled that their family begins a month of birthdays. On January 29, the 51th anniversary will celebrate the Russian Star, on February 13, the heart wishes will take His daughter, and a day - February 14 - His wife Elena. It is worth noting that 57-year-old Izakson looks very young for his years and constantly gets compliments from fans.

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