The star of "Voronina" congratulated the on-screen husband: "I love, Kostik"


Georgy Dronov firmly secured the image of Voronin's bone. For more than ten years, he appeared on the screen in this role. Recently, the actor turned 50 years old. Partner Dronova on the TV series Ekaterina Volkova congratulated him on his holiday in the Instagram profile, publishing several funny pictures with a screen spouse. "If I could choose partners in a movie and on stage, there would always be Egor! .. And in my life, this person is incredibly cheerful, caring to family and friends ... and I would not refuse you to play like a director. You are megatalante! Happy Birthday, Kostik! I love, "the star wrote.

Fans appreciated humor actress and joined congratulations George in the comments. "Happy Birthday of Egor! Your pair of Voronin awesome! You are the best "," I can not believe that he is 50! "," Of course, you are so many years together, it has come already! Happy Birthday!" - Posted by users. Some fans did not quite understand why Volkova called the colleague Egor, if his name is George. As it turned out, the actor himself asks him to call him and considers it a reduction from the full name.

Last year, rumors about romantic relations between the on-screen spouses spread. They often appeared at events outside the shooting of the series and cute talked. Love between the heroes looked so natural that the series fans suggested - among actors a novel and in life. But the stars denied these species and stated that they had warm friendly relations.

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