"The dream has become a jaw": 20-year-old daughter Judah Lowe became Ambassador Dior Beauty


Iris Low is only 20 years old, but she has already achieved a lot on his own. So, the other day the news appeared that the model became a new Ambassador Dior Beauty. "I am incredibly excited that I will become a new ambassador of the beauty of Dior in the UK. Dream, who became a jaw, thank you, dear Dior. I love you!" - wrote in his microblog daughter Jude Lowe.

She also published several luxurious photos that posed with bright makeup. Iris highlighted the lips of the scarlet lipstick and emphasized the long eyelashes of black ink.

Apparently, the new status gives Low great opportunities: now it will be able to attend important DIOR events and, perhaps, will soon receive shooting in the official advertising campaign of the brand.

Recall, Iris - Daughter Jude Lowe and Sadedy Frost. The actors lived in marriage for only six years and parted in 2003. The model has a consolidated brother and two summary sisters (from previous relations of her parents), as well as the brothers of Rufferti and Rudy. In addition, not so long ago, Jud Lowe and his current wife Philip Cohen became parents, because Iris had a brother or sister (Paul Child The starry couple does not advertise).

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Iris has long been trying himself in the fashion industry. For the first time, she was in the gloss magazine in two years, and already in 2015 appeared in the Miu Miu Lucbuch. Low's daughter is the face of Burberry and Fendi advertising campaigns.

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