Jude Low commented on the dismissal of Johnny Depp from "fantastic creatures"


At the beginning of this month, it became known that Warner Bros. Listened by Johnny Depp role Green de Wald in the continuation of the franchise "fantastic creatures and where they live." This news literally turned the network into a ragged hive: not the fans, no insiders, or actor colleagues left. Surveyed about what happened and Jude Lowe, the hero of which, Albus Dumbledore, on the idea of ​​Joan Rowling tied romantic relationships with raising.

Lowe recently talked with the representative of the Entrantainment Tonight edition and stated that they work on a large-scale film in which "many layers", and "in such a situation have to rely on the studio." "That's all you can do. You must appear and play your role, "the actor emphasized. He also admitted that it was not too surprised at how the events were formed, and confirmed that Depp managed to spend very little time on the set. "I think alone Johnny starred only one day," he explained.

It is not clear what fate is waiting for Green de Wald. Last week, there were reports on the network that the role of the villain hopes to get Mads Mikkelsen, but the official decision of Warner Bros. Unknown. It is possible that the studio will decide not to show Green de Wald at all in the trickel, even though it will require a certain recycling of the plot.

The release of "fantastic creatures 3" is scheduled for July 15, 2022.

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