"Pray for us": 64-year-old Natalia Andreichenko evacuated due to hurricane in Mexico


Actress Natalia Andreichenko was forced to leave his house on the coast of the Caribbean. The authorities declared evacuation due to the approach of Hurricane Delta.

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, которое она записала вчера вечером (по мексиканскому времени) до эвакуации из своего дома. Это видео мы получили сегодня утром (по московскому времени) и нам кажется правильным, выставить его сейчас. В Канкуне на данный момент глубокая ночь, Наталья Эдуардовна через несколько часов должна уже выйти на связь. С уважением, Натальи Андрейченко

Публикация от Наталья Андрейченко (@natalya_andreychenko)

64-year-old Kinodiva told about the approach of the natural cataclysm in a personal blog in Instagram. She told that she was preparing to leave the house, like most of her neighbors. The authorities calculated what territory the hurricane will affect, and decided to evacuate all the inhabitants within this zone. Natalia prepared to move to the hotel in a safe place.

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Видео Натальи Андрейченко, которое она записала вчера вечером (по мексиканскому времени) в момент эвакуации из своего дома. Его мы получили сегодня утром (по московскому времени) и нам кажется правильным, выставить его сейчас. В Канкуне на данный момент глубокая ночь, Наталья Эдуардовна через несколько часов должна уже выйти на связь. С уважением, команда Натальи Андрейченко

Публикация от Наталья Андрейченко (@natalya_andreychenko)

"My dear, I want to inform the sad news ... In the near future I, maybe I will without touch, do not lose me ... We have a critical situation in Mexico: a hurricane of the fourth category is moving from five possible ... we expect Delta comes to the Caribbean coast today by 23:00 local time. I will try to be with you in touch. Pray for us all, "the actress asked.

The star of the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye" for about eight years comes to Russia only on affairs. All the time she spends in the house on the coast of the Caribbean in Mexico. The actress reminded that the last strong hurricane happened in Cancun in 2005. The city took several years to restore all the facilities and return the former look. The Delta Hurricane moves to Mexico at a speed of 26 km / h, and inside the hurricane, the winds of the wind reach 200 km / h.

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