"I painted cellulite": fans did not believe in the "orange crust" on Elena Perminovaya hips


The glossy instagram-picture is no longer in the trend: otphotochable faces and narrowed along with the waist horizon line have nothing to do with the reality that users understand perfectly well. However, the temptation to imagine himself in the best light so strong that very few girls have courage to post their "real" pictures. By the way, the category of public opinion of persons can be classified as Ksenia Sobchak, which publishes Free-makeup and Free-Facetune photos.

Lena Perminov, unlike Sobchak, always demonstrated the ideal photos on which users could estimate the length of the legs and the slightness of the girl's shape. That is why a special excitement caused a recent photo on which the Lena is clearly visible cellulite on the hips. This courageous publication of Perminov called on girls not to comprehensive and show more love for themselves.

The fans were divided into two camps: someone considered the orange crust with another photoshop in favor of the bodypositive, and someone just thanked Lena for honesty: "Lena, too, a person, it turns out," "boldly!", "Thank you for the truth, I became easier...".

Indeed, the stars usually take away from unsuccessful frames. Anna Sedokova, Kim Kardashian, Victoria Boni, Kendall Jenner came to the network, on which, instead of the usual perfect picture, people saw ordinary women with cellulite signs. However, the stars denied that they have this problem, or did not comment on the paparazzi pictures.

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