"The daughter rose right in front of the eyes": Elena Podikynskaya died social networks with pictures with children


Elena Podikynskaya, known to the Russian viewer for roles in the TV series "Kitchen" and "Ip Pirogov", is constantly divided with its fans with various interesting photos and videos. That star demonstrates its luxurious figure in new photo shoots, then in the usual home form walks somewhere with their children.

So, the next day the celebrity reiterated itself in the company of their favorite heirs. Elena decided to spend morning at the shores of the sea. To do this, she warmly dressed, having experienced a light beige suit of the sporty and dock jacket-sleeveless. Podlikovskaya supplemented the image with a cap and white sneakers. Her daughter put on a yellow sweatshirt, dark trousers, a blue warm hat and a similar dock sleeveless jacket. And the baby Elena looked at a comfortable warm overalls. "The more trivia you consider luck, the more likely you are lucky. And with the weather, it is categorically lucky, "said celebrity in signatures.

In the pictures of Elena and her daughter were shifted, they laughed each other and smiled, looking at the camera.

The fans came delight from what he saw. "Winter on the sea is extremely good!", "Smile always on your face from your photos and creativity", "There are people from whom the kindness is felt at a distance. Thank you for this! "," Happiness in the photo rolls! "," Any weather is becoming beautiful with you "," What a charm, "- said Folloviers. Some subscribers noticed how quickly the daughter of the star rose. "The daughter rose right in front of the eyes", "What is already a big baby," the network users said.

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