Robbie Williams removed his wife's nail on his leg: "There is no pain, no result"


Spouse Robbie Williams Ayda Field shared with subscribers in Instagram video, in which she showed how her husband removes her nail on his leg. The actress explained that several months ago hit the mother's motherhood and damaged the nail. "I thought he would restore, but he was black and began to go. And at the same time sick. I will rent it, because I never pulled the nails, "said Ida in the video before Robbie took tweezers and walked her nail on his wife's mother's. "There is no pain - no result. And there is no nail, "Signed Field Roller.

Expressive subscribers Iyda horrified its procedure. But many at the same time appreciated the color of the nail actresses.

Last year, Robbie and Ida celebrated the tenth wedding anniversary. The couple got married after four years of relations and raises four children: 8-year-old theodore, 6-year-old Charlton, 2-year-old chip and one-year-old Benedict.

A couple of months ago, 47-year-old Robbie spoke in an interview that he began to rapidly lie. This is especially puzzling singer, because in the 1990s he even received a reward for his hair. Robbie admitted that she was concerned about his appearance, but so far I have not found a way to restore your hair. Williams noted that I tried to fight baldness in different ways and even did a hair transplant seven years ago, but it gave only a temporary effect. Now, according to Robbie, he uses special powder to disguise "gaps" on the head.

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