In the debut series of the second season "Battheumen" the fate of Kate Kane will be revealed


The premiere of the second season of the superhero series "Betheumen" is getting closer, and its creators and the CW channel continue to intrigue viewers. A published list of episodes with titles hints that the new betwumen will investigate the mysterious disappearance of his predecessor.

After the performer of the role of Battheumen / Kate Kane Ruby Rose in May of this year announced his leaving from the project, one of the most intriguing moments of the second season was to remove the character from the scene of the series. Many fans were afraid that Kate would die, which, however, refuted Showranner Caroline Dryis.

In the first episode of the second season, called "What happened to Kate Kane?" Where and why the superheroine disappeared to find out her succession of Ryan Wilder performed by Javia Leslie. According to the same driss, the mystery of the disappearance of Kate will be "shocking, stunning and incredible", reports the edition of the Screen Rant. Probably, one episode does not limit himself and the search for the missing girl will become the leitmotif of the entire second season.

Recall, the premiere of the first episode of the second season of the Action Drama "Batveumen" will be held on the CW channel on January 17, 2021.

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