"Charming hemp!": 47-year-old Elena XenophonTova struck subscribers photo without makeup


It seems that the autumn time does not most effect on the positive setting of Elena Xenophon. Usually, a cheerful and cheerful actress agreed in his microblog to philosophical topics. She admitted that she did not feel absolutely no desires and close to the state of the Great Empty. "This is suspicious, but not bad. After all, to rush up, you need to push out something, "47-year-old artist summed up.

Elena Xenofontov hoped his thoughts to Selfie, while on the face of the actress there was not a drop of makeup. Honest photos and heartfelt words came to the souls, who not only threw the artist with compliments, but also hurried to cheer it up.

"Elena, it's just autumn approaches its leisure steps," "Trust yourself. Today they heat up, and tomorrow you will rejoice, "" Sometimes you need silence, emptiness to rethink a lot and relax "," What are your charming hemp! Such a beautiful woman should not be sad, "" What are you honey in this photo. The freckles are very coming, "write in the comments.

Many were advised to Xenophoned to meet a decent man and fall in love. As you know, after loud parting with the lawyer Alexander Farm in 2016, the actress did not suit his personal life. Everyone free from shooting Time Elena devotes to children - 17-year-old Timothy and 9-year-old Sofye.

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