"You are all for me": Sarah Poleson celebrated the 78th anniversary of his beloved


46-year-old American actress Sarah Poleson, a famous participation in the series "American Horror History", left a publication in Instagram, in which he congratulated his partner, actress Holland Taylor with 78th anniversary. At the head of the selection of photos is placed a black and white picture, on which Sarah kisses his beloved on the cheek. In the description, it is said: "All the ways lead me to this face, eyes, soul. You are everything for me". Next, Paulson left a touching congratulation, in which he asked not to angry her partner when she sees a post, as Holland "Don't like this photo." "This is the perfect image of an ideal person. Happy Birthday, dear! "," Poleson wrote.

In the comments, a number of celebrities shared wishes for the birthday of the performer of one of the roles in the second and third part of the "Children's Spies". Among the congratulations were Kate Bosourt, Olivia Mann, Jeremy Scott, Alison Jenny and Christ Mets. Sarah and Holland occur since 2015.

See you with the current partner, Polson had a long relationship with another actress - Cherry Jones, with which they were together from 2004 to 2009. When Sarah asked about her orientation, in 2013 she stated that for her "the situation of a fluid", hinting that the floor does not matter, only sympathies are important. See you with Cherry Jones, a five-time nominee on Emmy met only with men, even was engaged to the playwright Tracy Lettz.

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