"Would offend female pride": Sati Casanova told about the gap with the oligarch


The former participant of the factory group Sati Kazanova recently spoke about his relationship with a married man who lasted several years, and about parting with him. Revelations of the singer shared in the Youtube show of Hope Sagittarius.

In one of the performances of the team, the girl met a businessman Timur Kulibayev, the son-in-law of the former president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. At first, a man didn't like her at all.

"It was not in my taste," explains Sati.

However, the entrepreneur showed perseverance in courtship, and inherent confidence and charm in the end did their job - the singer realized that he was constantly thinking about the fan, and then realized at all that he was in love with him.

The couple was together for three years - from 2005 to 2008. The artist admits that the beloved strongly influenced her life - with his help she got rid of bad habits and was fond of yoga. Sati believes that the boyfriend literally saved her.

The performer is so fascinated by a man that even was ready to become his second wife. At the same time, the girl assures that there was no merry in their relationship - it was not going to pull out of a wealthy lover.

"I am an intangible person," the star explained.

However, the businessman could not stop the beloved for a long time. Having learned that a loved one on the side and his mistress is waiting for a child, Sati decided to break the relationship. "Parting was my initiative. My female dignity could not agree with this, "the singer admits.

The insults on the former beloved Sati does not hold and still remembers him with warm feelings.

"This is global human love," she says.

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