Insider spoke about the status of Heiden Pantiery after domestic violence


After several years of dubious relationship with Brian Hikers, Hyden Pantiery decided to start a new life. According to the source of the US Weekly, Heiden broke up with him and "is finally safe."

Brian returned to his hometown in South Carolina, and friends pray that her communication with him ended. She returns to life,

- tells insider.

We will remind, Hayden and Brian began to meet in August 2018 and several times became heroes of news about domestic violence. Hikerson was recently arrested for manual application. Even this year on the day of lovers, the police attracted the attention of the police. Neighbors heard suspicious noise from their side. The police arrived at the place were discovered on the verge of a drunken Brian Hikerson.

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According to him, Hyden put it out of the door after he hit her face. On the body of Panettury there were traces of beatings: her face was red and swollen, and on his left hand, the police discovered hematoma and abrasions. Hikerson was arrested on suspicion of manual application, as well as for the resistance of the police. But soon he was released on bail.

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Recently, Hyden returned to Instagram and began to devote to the publication of his daughter Kaya Evdokia, whose father is Ukrainian athlete Vladimir Klitschko. The girl lives with dad, Hyden regularly visits her and calls out with a child around the video.

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