"You can not do anything": Dobronravov explained when the shooting of "Svatov" resume


During self-insulation, many Russians Coroted the days for watching the series, one of the most beloved of our compatriots is the Motheric film "Svat". His shooting began in 2008, and the last - 6th season - appeared in 2013. During Quarantine, the fans already knew that soon they were waiting for a present gift - the final season of the favorite saga about the family of Beko-Kovalev. But it is the complex epidemiological situation that created obstacles to filming.

Daniel White, who fulfilled the role of Maxim Kovaleva, said how negative were the consequences of a pandemic for "matchmakers", after all, and without the organization of the process, it is necessary to cooperate all the actors who are still on theatrical layouts, you need to minimize their charts to one denominator.

Artists are not less than viewers waiting for the story about grandmothers and grandparents will suit the final. "It's sad that shooting and exit of the next season" matchmakers "are delayed, but we live in a restless world, now such a situation is everywhere, you can not do anything. We will wait and hope, "Fedor Dobronravov expressed his emotions about the situation with Newinform.

Recall, the actor plays one of the main characters - Ivan Budko. He admits that this role is very expensive. "She is loved by the viewer. The series turned out good, good. This is important, "explains Dobronravov.

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