Timati's mother posted video with Alice: "Swallow tears, sells ambitions of" crazy grandmother "


The other day, Simon Yunusova published a video in his microblog in his microblog, in which Timati's daughter and Alyona Shishkova, Alice conquers sirf. The girl confidently keeps on artificial waves, and the coach next to supports it. At the same time, the baby smiles and tries to perform various exercises on the sirph.

In the signature to the video, Mom Rapper noted how negatively relate to it some commentators. But, despite all their attacks, she continues to develop granddaughter and try with her all new and interesting. "The tortured child, knocking out of the forces, swallowing tears and water, sells ambitions of" crazy grandmother "," singing - not her "," Dancing is not her "," Poems read so that you need to contact a neurologist "," and English Could It would be better to know - with their capabilities! "(From comments)," Yunusov wrote. She also added that it does not prevent the girl to enjoy happy childhood. "Well, and seriously, I envy the child's childhood," said Mama Timati.

Subscribers also appreciated the efforts of Alice. "What a clever", "time will pass, and it will be the best in education, singing and any other business," "Do not listen to anyone - she is clever", "What commentatory commenities", "and we envy with you," wrote Network users.

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