The belly is already visible: the wife of Petrosyan roared rumors about pregnancy


32-year-old Tatyana Bruukhunova published on his page in Instagram new video. The video caused a rapid discussion on the network, because on it fans reviewed new signs of pregnancy at the wife of a humorist.

Bruukhunova actively leads his page in the social network and shares short rollers with reviews of various goods. On one of these videos, the fans noticed that Tatiana's belly stands out under the clothes. Rumors immediately scattered a rumor about the soon birth of another child in the family of Evgenia Petrosyan.

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The humorist's spouse did not comment on the peresya about its possible pregnancy. But the new roller in the Bruhunovka account poured oil into the fire.

The young wife Petrosyan recorded self-video in front of the Rostov Mirror. She tried a light gray costume of a free cut, which, however, could not hide changes to her shape. The fans suspected that Tatiana did not just get into the waist, but waiting for the second child.

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Fans poured Brukhunov questions about possible replenishment in the family. But Petrosyan's wife did not give a direct response, but did not deny the second pregnancy.

On March 13, Tatyana and Evgeny Vaganovich celebrated the birthday of common sins. Vagan was one year old, in honor of which the Star Couple arranged a family celebration.

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