"Catch the Vagan Frame is very difficult": Petrosyan's wife was so-called the social network photo with her son


The young wife Yevgeny Petrosyan is distinguished by the original taste and instills the love of beautiful things and his son Vagan. Bruukhunova boasted that the baby loves to touch the baby with infancy, and she buys his clothes exclusively from natural materials.

At the new photo in Instagram Tatiana demonstrated how the child was passionate for the knitted costume. "Catch the Vagan Frame is very difficult. Everything goes to move. It often sticks out on soft jampers and delicate trousers, "the celebrity Lifehak shared.

"What charming", "Bear", "Little fashionista," the followers of the son of 75-year-old Evgenia Vaganovich admired the subscribers.

In addition, the lover of humorist boasted the "most expensive gift" on March 8. She photographed small multicolored vagan palms, carved from paper. It seems that the babe nanny decided to please Tatiana with an original handicraft. "No flowers, diamonds will not compare with these gifts. They are priceless, "agreed in the comments.

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Recall that this month Wahan will celebrate its first birthday. The common child of Brukhunova and Petrosyan managed to be born to the world locomotion in one of the hospitals in Dubai. The joyful event of the spouses hid several months and only in September officially announced the replenishment in the family.

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