Taylor Momsen told about shooting with Jim Kerry in Greenche - Church of Christmas "


One of the most popular Christmas films has been "Greench - a christmas kidnapper" for 20 years. The performer of the role of Cindy Lu, the 27-year-old singer Taylor Momson, on the eve of the anniversary of the film remembered, as the shooting was taken and how much the film was influenced by her further career.

Taylor is confident that the film does not lose its popularity, because he tells the touching and good history, which is a response of millions of people. Also, the actress assures that she was madly lucky to be on the same platform with Jim Kerry. According to her, he was very kind to everyone who surrounded him, but at the same time he always remained methodical in what he was doing.

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"Even in such a young age, I remember how I looked at him and said:" I look at how the real artist works now, "the Momson admitted.

The celebrity told that on the set of the film for the first time a wig and false eyelashes were applied for the first time, and from the overhead teeth I had to refuse - there were no prostheses for children. Taylor remembered that the shooting moments turned into real tests. So, she studied to perform all the tricks herself and rehearsed more than once, for example, his fall in the hatch.

But, according to Momsen, the greatest revelation for her was music. It was worth it to stand on the speaker's studio threshold, where she recorded the song Where Are You Christmas, put on the headphones and sing to the microphone for the first time, as she understood - this is her fate.

"It was such an important moment in my life, because he forced me to say:" I want to make music the rest of my life. I like to be in the recording studio "," the young actress decided for himself.

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