Shennen Daerty played in the reboot "Beverly Hills 90210" because of the death of Luke Perry and breast cancer


In an interview with Sarah Michel, Gellar Shannen Daerty said, why first doubted whether she was to participate in the reboot of the "Beverly Hills 90210" series, and why eventually changed his decision. The 49-year-old actress became the last star from the original acting, which decided to participate in the restart of the project.

Yes, I did not want to participate in this. I had the reasons for that. One of them is that I played my character too much and felt that I had exhausted myself. I believe that sometimes less is better. I want people to watch the show, and did not think: "Lord, I hope it will not return to the ether." I am preventing this

Said Shannen.

Shennen Daerty played in the reboot

But at that time, when the actress made a decision about the series, Luke Perry died, and then she learned that her breast cancer was returned to the IV stage.

A person's important person died, and I learned about the diagnosis. All this happened in a couple of months. And it forced me to take a pause and rethink everything. Yes, it [consent to shooting] was a way to post the hatch's memory, which is very important for me, as well as a way to support other patients. They say when everyone knows that I have an IV stage cancer, I can say that in spite of everything,

- Doverty shared.

Gellar supported a colleague, noting that she had many friends from the Beverly Hills 90210 film crew, who told her: "Oh God, Shannen is the most professional of all."

And I thought: "Yes, it's about her",

- Sarah Michel said.

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