Why Shannen Doherty left "Enchanted" after the third season


The series "Enchanted" went out eight seasons, from 1998 to 2006. He told about good wets, sisters Hollyll, living in San Francisco. Sisters' roles were performed by Shann Daerty, Alissa Milano and Holly Mary Combs.

The fans of the series were shocked when in the final of the third season the killer of Demons Shaks attacked two of the sisters and struck them heavy wounds. In the fourth season, the audience learned that the Character Combs survived, but the sister, which Daerty played, died. So why did the actress having to leave the series?

Doherty has become famous as the star of the serial "Beverly Hills, 90210". But, by a general opinion, it was difficult to work with her. She loved the parties too much, was late for shooting and bent with colleagues. In the autobiography of Jenny Garth "Deep thoughts from Hollywood blonde" about Doherty mention:

There were times when we loved each other, and have been that they dreamed about how to buy eyes to each other.

Apparently, such a story happened with a partner for the series Alissa Milano. Doherty was a girlfriend of the bride at Milano's wedding, but at some point their relationship was smashed. Milano began a backstage struggle for the exclusion of doherty from the "enchanted". Having learned about this, Shannen decided to leave herself. To continue the series I had to introduce a fourth, long-lost sister, which Rose McGowan played.

Why Shannen Doherty left

Now from the past hostility Milano and Doherty there is no trace. Unfortunately, in February, the actress reported that he was fighting cancer again. Alissa Milano in Instagram published a post of support for his former sister on the series.

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