Martin Freeman told who will play in the "Collection of Avengers"


According to the actor, his character is a high rank official working on the US government and collaborating with a number of agencies and superheroes in order to "curb" the supernatural forces of the latter. The work of the Freiman character is directly related to the plot, which is based on the decision of the American government to strengthen superhero control after the events "Avengers: Era Altron." In the "Collapse of Avengers", the American authorities introduce a new law, forcing superheroes to reveal their personalities and officially work for the government. Of course, in the medium of self-adequate superheroes, the split is brewed - one group, apparently, will be headed by Captain America, and the second group of superheroes led by Tony Stark (Iron Man) will be opposed to him.

As for the character of Friman, who bears the name Edward Chase, he will be quite complex and a multifaceted hero - which, according to the actor himself, and attracted him first. "You can never be confident completely, whose party he is," describes his hero Freman. "It looks as if he plays in one game, but in fact - completely to another." However, to evaluate freeman who is probably not lost in the company of charismatic superheroes, it will be possible enough soon - the premiere of the "split of the Avengers" is scheduled for May 5, 2016.

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