Cannes are no longer the ones? 21-year-old El Fanning called Judging Cannes Festival 2019


Yes, behind the shoulders of the Fanning already have a lot of sensitive projects, the actress has experience with Hollywood "veterans" and first magnitude stars - from Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to Johnny Depp and Nicole Kidman. However, many even equally expressed bewilderment of the fact that the jury of one of the most authoritative film festivals of the world has a girl, barely celebrated at the age of adulthood.

Cannes-2019 jury includes representatives of 7 different nationalities - men and women "divided" equally, there are 4 men and 4 women in the composition. The jury is fully described as follows:

El Fanning (Actress, USA)

Maimuna N'Diaye (actress, director, Burkina Faso)

Kelly Rayhardt (Writer, Director, USA)

Alich Rarvacher (Writer, Director, Italy)

Enki Bilal (comic author, director, France)

Robin Kampiyo (Writer, Director, Editor, France)

Yorgos Lantimos (director, screenwriter, producer, Greece)

Pavel Pavlikovsky (director, screenwriter, Poland)

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Le Jury de #Cannes2019 accueille, sous la présidence d'Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu, quatre femmes, et quatre hommes venant de quatre continents et issus de sept nationalités différentes : Elle Fanning, Maimouna N’Diaye, Kelly Reichardt, Alice Rohrwacher, Enki Bilal, Robin Campillo, Yorgos Lanthimos & Paweł Pawlikowski. Le jury dévoilera son palmarès le samedi 25 mai au cours de la cérémonie de Clôture. — The Jury of #Cannes2019 welcomes, under the first ever presidence of a Latino-American filmmaker, Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu, four women and four men, from four continents and from seven different nationalities : Elle Fanning, Maimouna N’Diaye, Kelly Reichardt, Alice Rohrwacher, Enki Bilal, Robin Campillo, Yorgos Lanthimos & Paweł Pawlikowski. The Jury will reveal their prizes on Saturday, May 25 during the Closing Ceremony. — #Cannes72 #Jury @ellefanning

Публикация от Festival de Cannes (@festivaldecannes)

The President of the jury will perform Alejandro Gonzalez Inyarrita, at one time twice denominated with his paintings on the golden palm branch. As a result, Chann's award in Inyarrita is only one - a prize of the best director for Babylon. In this picture in 2006, El Fanning was shot. The Cannes Film Festival this year will be held from 14 to 29 May.

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