Already on the neck planted: Enrique Iglesias showed grown twins


Enrique Iglesias is regularly divided with fans of family life frames. Now, on Quarantine, the singer does not have to miss - he has three children with whom he willingly spends time.

He recently published a cute video on his page at Instagram, in which Nicholas and Lucy twins. The children have already grown and realized that on the dad you can ride riding. Daughter and son in turn played with Enrique in the "horse". At one moment, the little Nicholas fell on the grass and began to cry, but Iglesias asked the child soon to climb back, -Male was calmed down and listened. Subscribers Enrique lost his relationship with children, and also noted his strong hands.

Enrique Iglesias and his beloved Anna Kournikov for the first time became parents in 2017, the twins were born at Anna. And in January of this year, the Course was born a third child - Masha's daughter. The Russian name for his daughter chose Anna. As I spoke in a recent interview with Iglesias, they knew with his wife that after the birth of Lucy and Nicholas would not stop at two children.

But we did not make a certain time, everything happened by itself. And I am insanely happy

- Shared Enrique.

In the international family, Kursnikova and Iglesias are talking in three languages ​​- English, Spanish and Russian, Enrique diligently comprehends his native language of his wife.

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