Angelina Jolie gives children to ordinary school


More than three years ago, one of the brightest Couples of Hollywood broke up. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were divorced. And although they have not live together for several years together, the official termination of the marriage did not happen, because they had to agree about children. Jolie and Pitt were in a relationship about 12 years. They have three biological children: Shailo, Vivien and Knox. And three receptions: Maddox, Pax Tien and Zakhar. Senior, Maddox, for 18 years, he is studying at the university in South Korea. And all his brothers and sisters - school age.

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Recently it became known that Brad and Angelina came to harmony in the matter of learning children - they decided to send them to the "ordinary" school. Before the stars diverged, their siblings studied at home, thanks to which the family had the opportunity to travel a lot.

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Jolie and Pitt care agreements reached only at the end of last year. In addition, the broken-separated process slowed down the section of their multimillionillion state and winery Château Miraval, the owners of which are both actors. The couple acquired a winery in 2011 and planned to give to children.

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