Mention no end: Duane Johnson taught her daughter to wash his hands under his song from "Moana"


Duane Johnson shared his advice, how to make young children wash his hands for a long time. The actor recorded a supermile video from the bathroom, where he washes the handles of his two-year-old Tian daughter. In order to interest the child, Duin performed a fragment of the song from the Moana cartoon. In it, Johnson voiced one of the heroes and sang the song You're Welcome.

Daddy rituals in the bathroom. Before you go to the shower, my daughter asked to sing a song from "Moana", and during this time I washed her hands. We realized that on this fragment of the song Ideally, the time washing the hand washing time. And for the small procedure will be more fun. Be healthy, friends,

- wrote a rock in microblog.

In the video, Johnson, wrapped in a towel, explains what is happening, and the baby interrupts it:

Sing the song!

I will sing. That's how we teach children to wash your hands. Today we will sing a fragment of the father's daddy from "Moan",

- Says in the movie Duyne. First, Tiana watched a serious look like dad lays her hands, and then began to smile and singing.

Johnson's roller melted his hearts of his subscribers: "Oh God, it's insanely cute!", "What a sweet video", "my God, what a charm! How she looks at him! "," Priceless moments. "

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