Rihanna joined the protest on the streets of New York: photo


The singer Rihanna decided to join the protests in New York against crimes in the direction of Americans of Asian origin. She came with her assistant Tina Choneg and joined march. At the same time, the performer was dressed quite reserved and did not particularly attract attention. Photographs from the rally shared Chong. "This is how solidarity looks like!" - she signed pictures. Many protesters did not even guess that Rihanna is among them.

One fan captured the moment when the protester asked the star name in Instagram after protests, but was stunned when he found out who she really was. In the comments, Tina fans supported the singer. "I live in New York, and I have never had the opportunity to meet or see Rihanna. And we must stop hatred against black and Asians, "Rihanna is Rihanna. She was always fought with prejudices and prejudices, "the users wrote.

Over the past year, the number of hate crimes has increased dramatically in the United States, as well as the number of physical and verbal attacks throughout the country. Many celebrities called for legal interference and public support, while at the same time raising the awareness of the growth of crimes on the soil of hatred.

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