Kelly Pomerford lost the case of the care of children


Breakford began to sue children back in 2010, immediately after a divorce with her husband. Since Girsch constantly lives in France, a joint guard of children has become impossible. The court decided that the children would be better with the Father.

Kelly organized a whole campaign to defend their right to raise children. She appealed the decision of the court and even conducted an action "Return Kelly's Children Broerford!", Which Melanie Griffith, Chris Jenner and other celebrities supported.

In May of this year, Kelly had hope - the court allowed Ermen and Helen to stay with her mother in the USA any time. But Girsh filed a response lawsuit, accused an actress in the abduction of children and stated that they were rapidly held in the United States. In August 2015, a court session was held, at which Kelly was forced to return the children and handed them to her grandmother represented by the Father, right in the courtroom.

Kelly undertook another attempt to appeal this decision, but again unsuccessfully. Now the children will live with the Father, and the raterford has the right to visit them in Monaco or in France.

According to foreign tabloids, during the years of trial, Kelly spent $ 1.4 million. While the former spouse pays a monthly alimony to her in the amount of 3 thousand dollars.

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