Jared Summer sues TMZ and Warner Bros. Because of the scandal with Taylor Swift


Jared claims that video with his participation was stolen, and any of his publication is illegal. "In the past Sunday, I was warned that TMZ acquired a personal and confidential video with my participation made at me at home, says summer in his statement. - I was told that they plan to publish her on their website. My team immediately contacted TMZ and told them that all the rights to this video belong to me, and the resource has no right to distribute it. But they decided to still publish the record. Let's clarify something. The video was stolen. It was an invasion of privacy. And it is incorrectly both in terms of law and morality. "

"Regardless of who we are, we have the right to spend fluently in our own homes, without fear that our thoughts and actions will begin to broadcast around the world," the outstanding summer continued. - We are entitled to privacy and security. And if you can not defend this right, thereby finding out the opportunity to speak loudly, freely and clearly - right or not - on any themes that we want to discuss. I decided on this lawsuit, not because I really want it, but because I hope to make people stop trading in stolen and follow the letter of the law. "

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