Giselle Bundchen boasts her son instead of gifts to himself asks to sacrifice for charity


Giselle Bundchen wants her children, 10-year-old Benjamin and 7-year-old Vivian, have been thinking about the protection of nature from the young age. In a new interview with Marie Claire, the model told that she and her husband Tom Brady were already talking to the children on the environment and the concept of sustainable development.

The main motivation in nature protection issues for me is my children. As a mother, I want them to live on a healthy, beautiful planet. I always remind them that every our action affects the planet. I very appreciate the time we are spending on nature. I like to see how they come delight when they find fresh eggs in our smokeshief or collect vegetables from our garden,

- Giselle told. According to her, Benjamin and Vivian already have conversations about ecology with their friends.

Once we were on the beach, and Benny found plastic in the sea. He was very upset. I explained to him that this is happening, because we are throwing things, they fall into a landfill, and then they can be in the ocean. After that, he decided that he didn't need gifts from friends for his birthday, instead he asked them to make small donations to the Organizations for the Protection of Nature,

- told Bundchen.

Giselle Bundchen boasts her son instead of gifts to himself asks to sacrifice for charity 54557_1

Giselle Bundchen boasts her son instead of gifts to himself asks to sacrifice for charity 54557_2

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