Last of Kardashian: Kendall Jenner laughed at his mindlessness


The other day, 24-year-old Kendall Jenner shared in Instagram video, which showed the moment of a family holiday by the pool and jokingly was glad that she had no children yet, unlike her sisters Kim, Courtney, Chloe and Kylie.

In the video, Kendall showed sisters running by the pool and their children and signed:

And I still without children.

In the frame, the model smiles and shows the thumb, raised up.

Now Kendall is the only sister of Kardashian Jenner, which has not yet become a mother. But recently her mother Chris Jenner noted that Kendall probably would be a child soon. In Shaw, Ellen Dementherieris Chris asked who from her daughters would give her the next grandson.

Courtney. Or Kylie? Although no, Kendall!

- answered Jenner-senior.

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Heself, Kendall, in a recent interview with Degerers noted that it was not in a hurry to become a mother, as he spends a lot of time with small nephews.

Sometimes I ask myself: "I already want children? Do I want to become mom right now? " And I understand that there is no, I do not want. While I am so fine, I can still wait. Around me and so many children, I can spend time with them, play with them, and then return them to moms. It's so cool. They are very cute,

Said Kendall.

Публикация от Kendall (@kendalljenner)

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