Johnny Depp can win the court due to the assigned Amber Herd of Money


The Allies of Johnny Depp suggest that the actor has the opportunity to win a new court with a former wife, and will help him in this unrestrained word Amber Herd.

When divorced with Johnny, the actress demanded seven million dollars from him. The Amber received money and promised to sacrifice them to the American Union of civil liberties and a children's hospital in Los Angeles. But recently it turned out that the money is still with her.

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The source close to Depp, in the commentary of the Page Six, noted that it could play his hand in an attempt to appeal the court charge. Recall, last year Johnny lost the court with the British newspaper The Sun, which in his article written by Ember Hurd, accused the actor in domestic violence and dubbed the absurr. As a result, the judge agreed with the accusations, calling them "largely true".

Lawyers Johnny called the court decision "incredibly erroneous" and stated that the court ignored the "whole mountain" of evidence from police officers, doctors, former Amber Assistant, other witnesses, as well as many documentary evidence that "fully underminate charges".

The accusation was affected by the career and reputation of Depp, from which the film industry instantly began to root. The actor himself declared in court that under any circumstances could not hit the woman, because he was so rapidly.

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