Fitness secrets: strive for twine


Hello everyone! I am Natalia Nemkova, a teacher of such directions as a mix (dance), stretching and strength training. In his youth, he was engaged in heavy athletics - Powerlifting, I have the 3rd adult discharge in this sport. Subsequently, tied his life with dancing and scene: worked with such world brands as Pacha and Buddhabar.

In your stretching programs at the end of the lesson, I always pay attention to meditation and practices on the feeling of my body, each of its part, internal organs. It helps the brain to transmit a signal to that part of the body, which in this especially needs (for example, during the disease) - it is there that vitamins and minerals are sent there, and immunity is actively involved in the work. I studied this approach in working with the human body in many masters who had practiced in Indian ashramps (Ashram is an analogue of the monastery), yogis and coaches.

The first lesson who decided to teach us Natalia is the dream of many girls. Twine! How to learn this sports and dance element at home? So, we strive for the twine together with our instructor.

I will not delve into the theme of how stretching is useful for physical and moral health. I just say that it is safe and is available to almost anyone, not even a sporting person. The main thing is to start with small and gradually.

With a stretching, it is especially important to pay attention to the correct breathing and in no case are at the moment of effort. When performing exercises, the exhalation should be performed on stretching the muscles, while relaxing it at the same time.

A simple combination of stretching exercises will bring the cherished longitudinal twine. Level - newbies and continuing.

Stretching should be started with heating. I recommend 10 squats and a minute of jumps.

We stretch the zone of the inner and rear surface of the thigh.

1. Fallen. The exercise can be performed, leaning on the hands either onto the knee, or insure itself, relying on the floor. Small quality (swaying up-down), exhale down. Note: If the quality is intense, wait for muscle attacks (pain in the muscles arising in a few hours or days after unusual load). And in order for the second training to bring pleasure, always take a hot shower after the first.

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2. Lower the knee leg. Raise your left leg and take it the opposite hand for him, pull up a sock to the buttock with exhale. We repeat the same with the right foot.

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3. Lower the left leg on the rise, straighten the right leg forward and put on the heel, with exhale carefully lower the housing down to the right leg. We repeat the same thing, changing the leg.

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4. The left leg remains on the edge of the rug, and we straighten the right leg and put on the heel, for better slip - on the floor.

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5. By inbuilding yourself with your hands, tear away from the floor first the lifting of the legs, then knee and put a foot on the seams. We make soft quality. Keep on your hands (!). We repeat the same on the other legs.

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6. If possible, we go to the twine.

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In addition to the aspirations, sitting on the twine studying at home, I can recommend Mahi's legs, alternately. To do this, it is necessary to firmly grab your hands for the support. Mach is done on exhale. With proper mahah, the neck should not strain, should be relaxed, but in a tone.

I wish you, expensive, success in endeavors and continuations. Start with small, but regularly, and your result will come very quickly.

Wait for new lessons!

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