"It's so sad": Natalie Portman and Drew Barrymore discussed the experience in school


It turned out that American actresses experienced the same difficult periods associated with their on-screen popularity in school years. In one of the last editions of Show Drew Barrymore on Global, she had a conversation with a colleague on the acting shop Natalie Portman. Two stars starred in one picture of 1996 "Everyone says that I love you," which was also remembered in the program. In one of the moments, Barrymore admitted: "I read that you were not easy for school, because you starred in the movies, and then returned to school and just awkwardly spent time with other children ... I really didn't know this about others Actors: It was my personal experience, I had a relationship to this. "

At the recognition of the leading Natalie Portman replied that in his statement about school trail meant the following: "I think that people are mocked for various reasons and this is a good reason to mock you, because you do what you love." Barrymore also conducted an analogy that in her childhood, classmates just put pressure, saying: "Do you think you are so special?" At the same time, all their own actions from envy, they proved the opposite - the young actress felt "especially unfortunate."

Portman continued: "I know it is so sad, and also it seems that young people should be able to be proud of their achievements, but in fact I left my head all the time and considered my life not the best." Nevertheless, the girls decided to end their frank conversation on a positive note, when Natalie shared the fact that she was like "the biggest botanist at school" and recorded on classes at all "stupid groups", which laugh Drew Barrymore.

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