Zendai became the fifth actress who was honored with a special Award Critics Choice Awards


On Sunday, Zendai distinguished himself at the Critics CHOICE Awards 2021 awards ceremony. In addition to the nomination for the best female role for the film "Malcolm and Marie", a 24-year-old actress was also a laureate of the Seeher Award. Zendai - the fifth actress, who was awarded such a reward, in the past they received Kristen Bell, Viola Davis, Claire Foy and Gal Gadot.

The award of Zenday presented her colleague in Malcolm and Marie John David Washington. "That I am most struck, besides her talent, it is her wisdom and insight. In his 24 years, Zendai is already a significant actress, as well as a significant representative of goodness, "said John.

In his Thank you, Sindai expressed gratitude to the Association of Film Critics, and also thanked Washington separately. "I am incredibly lucky that you are not only my friend, but also a shooting partner. And thanks to the critics for the incredible honor and seener. It means so much for me. Speaking of all this, only the word "gratitude" comes to my mind. Especially after last year. I understood how important it is to be grateful for every moment, even the smallest, "the actress said.

Previously, speaking of his role in Malcolm and Marie, Zendai noted that she finally comes out of the image of a teenager. "On television, I usually play teenagers. It seems to me that people have forgotten that I am actually an adult man. Want to believe, you want - no, but I am an adult woman. And Marie [Sandai Character] too, "the actress said.

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