War continues: Johnny Depp is trying to cancel the court decision on the slander case


Recently completed the trial of the story of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea Pirates, Johnny Depp and his former Spouse Herd, who gave an interview to a well-known edition of the alleged "domestic violence" in relation to it from the actor. Depp filed a lawsuit against the Sun, but the judge of the Supreme Court of London recognized the rightness of the famous media. Then the 57-year-old Depp appealed to the Court of Appeal with a request to revise his slander's claim against The Sun.

Johnny argues that "did not receive a fair trial", and the decision of the judge, in his opinion, is incorrect and "unsafe." DEPPA lawyer Davil Sherborne asked the Court of Appeal to cancel the decision and appoint a new trial, since the judge in the case "did not study evidence and arguments with that thoroughness", which was required. Also, the lawyer stated that the conclusions of the judge were "bare allegations without proof and a real explanation."

Already, this case has inflicted serious damage to the financial situation of the artist, as well as its reputation. The actor stated the media that Warner Bros. After the release of the decision on the case refused to cooperate with the actor. The other day, the Netflix Streaming Platter also deleted all paintings from his library with the participation of Johnny Depp.

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