NetFlix removed all films from his library with the participation of Johnny Depp


Looks like Actor Johnny Depp became a person Non Grata still at Netflix. Stregnating service removed all projects from his library with the participation of an artist who borrowed in scandals with a former wife.

Representatives of Netflix did not comment on changes in their catalog, although it is assumed that the reason for the adoption of such a decision was the delete-lost business about the slander against Edition The Sun. The London Court considered that the facts specified in the article of the publication were true, calling the ex-spouse of actor Amber Herd "victim of permanent and multiple attacks on the part of Depp." Shortly before that, from the mediatek, Netflix also disappeared films with the participation of another actor who was in the scandal. We are talking about Shay Labfe, who accused his ex-girlfriend, singer FKA TWIGS in physical and psychological violence.

Recall, because of the scandalous divorce of Depp and Herd in 2017 and numerous litigation career, the actor's career suffered greatly. Disney refused him, breaking the contract for participation in the upcoming films of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, and also fired from another major franchise - "fantastic creatures". In the trickel, the role of Antagonist Green de Wald instead of Depp now will be performed by the Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen.

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