Star "Pirates of the Caribbean" believes that the continuation of the franchise without Johnny Depp is a crime


Due to the series of scandals associated with the scandalous process with the Ember Hurd, the acting career Johnny Depp is now in a rather delicate position. Recently, the Contractor had to abandon the role of Green-de-Wald's Gellert in the third part of the "fantastic creatures", and in addition to this, a spoiled reputation deprived of his capabilities and further play Captain Jack Sparrow in the Franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean", whose face is already many Years. The Disney Studio does not want to deal with Depp, and, if you believe the opinion of the expert industry, in the coming years, other large film companies will follow its example.

Kevin McNelli, who played in the Megakass adventure franchisee of the first assistant to the legendary Captain Jack, Mr. Gibbs, recently shared his opinion on this. In the podcast of Greg Ellis The Respondent McNelli said he doubts the success of the new tapes of the series without the participation of their central star:

"There is a feeling like a franchise in some sense exhausted itself, so the restart seems to be a reasonable idea. But if the reboot focuses on younger characters, it does not necessarily eliminate Jack Sparrow. For example, in the plot, some young hero is looking for Jack Sparrow and Mr. Gibbs helps him, and we find it in the final. It would not require much from Jack himself. But who knows how it all goes. Having a certain experience behind the shoulders, it's hard for me to believe that the studio has taken such a decision. Attending at the birth of modern legend is an indescribable feeling. And I believe, refuse Johnny - a crime. Many simply will not go on new "pirates" without him. I personally would not be easy to decide. A similar film would look strange. And in general, for what to shoot it? Why not come up with something new? "

In the development of Disney is now at least two films of the series: one is the continuation of the main storyline (they are engaged in Chernobyl Craig Mezin), the second - Spin-off in the "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea" with Margo Robbie in the lead role. It is said that Jerry Brookhaymer was going to use Depp in the project with Robbie, however, the Disney manual blocked these plans.

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