Emma Roberts explained the role in a "couple for holidays" turned out to be more important for her "serious" movie


At the end of October, the romantic comedy "Couple for Holidays" came out at Netflix, in which Emma Roberts and Luke Breisi played young people who concluded a contract with each other - a whole year to spend together all family celebrations. In the new issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, a 29-year-old actress told that she was interested in this project.

According to the star, despite the love of the "serious" cinema, it still pulls it from time to time to light, relaxed stories. Therefore, after a series of diverse roles, she disagreed to play in carefree Romom:

"When the script came to me, I immediately thought:" This is what you need. I want to celebrate in such a picture. " Because it is a nostalgic cinema impregnated with romance and fun. I like "serious" roles, but sometimes you just want to let go of yourself and laugh or watch a movie 10 times in a row. It seems to me that this is quite a normal phenomenon. "

Put the director John Whiteselle ("House of a Big Meliki 2"), and the scenario wrote Tiffany Palsen, who had previously worked with Roberts over Nancy Drew. In the rest of the caste, Christine Chenuet, Francis Fisher, Andrew Bachelor, Jessica Capshow, Manish Dial, Alex Moffat and Sinti U.

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