"Fantastic Creatures": Mads Mikkelsen did not speak Johnny Depp about the role of Green de Wald


A month and a half ago Due to the lost court Tabloid The Sun Studio Warner Bros. Officially dissolved creative relationship with Johnny, urged him to abandon the role of the Dark Magon Gellert Green De Wald in the third part of the "fantastic creatures". To replace the "Pirates of the Caribbean", the creators had to call Mads Mikkelsen - now he will embody the enemy of Professor Albus Dumbledore (Jude Low).

The other day, the famous Dane gave a remote interview with AP Entertainment and during the conversation admitted that he never discussed the project with Depp himself, but in working on the embodiment of Green de Wald will be repelled, first of all, from what his predecessor did:

"No, I am not familiar with him [with Depp]. We met once, but no more. I would like to get his phone number, but, unfortunately, I do not have it. Frankly, in creating an image, I can no longer do anything. I plan to lay a kind of bridge between what he showed, and what I'm going to do. And then we will see what it will turn out. This is the only approach that I have. "

Mikkelsen also confirmed that he had already arrived in London, where the shooting was held:

"I have been here for a week. They are all incredibly pleasant people. David [Yeats] fantastic, super good, wonderful director. So far everything is great. "

"Fantastic Twar 3" will be released on July 15, 2022.

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