James Cameron earns in Hollywood more than any


The director and producer James Cameron in 2010, perfectly replenished his score thanks to the "avatar" and had gave out explicit leaders, earning 257 million dollars. Another director and producer Stephen Spielberg also did not stay without a place in the top 3. It is on the third line with the 80s million dollars. He was ahead of Hollywood actor Johnny Depp, which was located on the 2nd line, earned 100 million dollars last year. The fourth line - Christopher Nolana with 71m million. Following the director "Beginning", the executor of the leading role was located in this picture - Leonardo Dicaprio - 62 million earned in 2010 brought him 5th place.

A successful year was outlined by major roles in the twilight saga. Moreover, preferring highly paid action, the Lautner overtaken in pure earnings and his twilight film stuart, and his swollen Pattinsonsky Cynovraga. Taylor Lautner has a 9-time place and $ 33.5 million, Kristen Stewart - 13th place and 28.5 million, Robert Pattinson found himself on the 15th line, earned 27.5 million dollars over the past year.

The Queen of Romomom Jennifer Aniston earned 24.5 million last year and settled down the 18th place, having overtaking his swapping girlfriend Angelina Jolie, who had seen on the 21st place from $ 23.5 million. Their eternal stumbling block - Brad Pitt - remained at all for top 40. On the 22nd place there is a Oscar-free Sandra Bullock with the same sum of millions - 22, and at ten positions below on the "Island of the Cursed" director and producer Martin Scorsese earned $ 17 million. Tom Cruise and Hugh Jackman are located on the 35th and on 37th places, respectively, from 14 million each with a difference of hundreds of thousands.

The full list of the richest stars looks like this:

1. James Cameron (257 million)

2. Johnny Depp (100 million)

3. Stephen Spielberg (80 million)

4. Christopher Nolan (71.5 million)

5. Leonardo Dicaprio (62 million)

6. Tim Burton (53 million)

7. Adam Sandler (50 million)

8. Todd Philips (34 million)

9. Taylor Lautner (33.5 million)

10. Robert Downey Jr. (31.5 million)

11. Will Smith (29 million)

12. Joe Roth (28.55 million)

13. Kristen Stewart (28.5 million)

14. Jerry Brookhaymer (27.5 million)

15. Robert Pattinson (27.5 million)

16. Jason Bloom and Oren Pieley (26.5 million)

17.Theler Perry (25 million)

18. Jennifer Aniston (24.5 million)

19. John Favro (24 million)

20. Nicholas Cage (23.5 million)

21. Angelina Jolie (23.5 million)

22. Sandra Bullock (22 million)

23. Brian Grazer and Ron Howard (21.1 million)

24. Christopher Melenedri (21.1 million)

25. Joel Silver (21 million)

26. Owen Wilson (19.5 million)

27.Vines Won (18.5 million)

28. Daniel Craig (18.11 million)

29. Wine Diesel (18.1 million)

30. BIN STILLER (18 million)

31. Steve Karell (17.5 million)

32. Martin Scorsese (17 million)

33. Catherine Khaigl (16.1 million)

34. Shaya Labef (16 million)

35. Tom Cruise (14.5 million)

36. Reese Witherspoon (14.5 million)

37. Hugh Jackman (14.1 million)

38. Schuen Levi (14 million)

39. Guy Richie (13.5 million)

40. Eddie Murphy (13 million)

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