Camila Mendez commented on the treason of Archie and Betty in Riverdeal


The fans of "Riverdala" have long worried a love triangle, which has developed between Veronica (Camila Mendez), Archie (Kay Jay Apa) and Betty (Lily Reinhart), and the fourth season finale seems to be only strengthened their fears. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the show was suspended, and several episodes who developed the storyline of heroes, had to postpone, so there are difficult times ahead of fans.

A little earlier, this season there was another event that broke the hearts of Veronica couple fans - Archie and Betty - Jaghead (Cole in Apawo). During preparation for the school competition, Betty's talents and Archie merged in a passionate kiss, and this moment called in the audience a whole storm of indignation.

Camila Mendez commented on the treason of Archie and Betty in Riverdeal 56282_1

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Camila told, as belonging to the fact that the best friend and the guy of Veronica kissed her behind her back. The actress admitted that it was difficult for her even to read the scenario of this episode, but at the same time she believes that it adds the entire history of depth and complexity.

If all relationships were perfect, we themselves would be in the perfect world. All make mistakes, especially in adolescence, and Betty is also not insured from it

- shared the opinion of Mendez. She also added that he was very nervous because of how the audience could react when Veronica learns about everything.

If she finds out, of course. I do not want to talk too much

- emphasized Camila.

And it seems that the chances of exposing Betty and Archie are very high. Earlier Showranner Roberto Agirare Sakasa said that fanerionic and Archi waiting for a "very dramatic episode on the graduation ball." Also, the producer noted that so far "no one heard the last song, which Archi wrote for Betty," so she obviously can bring heroine Mendez a lot of pain.

Now fans should be patient and believe that the situation with Coronavirus as soon as possible and the production of "Riverdale" will resume. If everything goes according to plan, then new episodes will be able to see this fall.

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