Fashionable Makeup for Black Dress: Photo of Stylish Ideas from Hollywood Stars


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The most relevant trend with the Red Hollywood paths is a natural makeup to a black dress. Easy and almost imperceptible, he emphasizes the beauty of the features of a female person, not attracting excessive attention - a dress remains a "highlight" of the image. Recently, Hollywood makeup artists choose Makeup in the style of Nude - and celebrities, judging by the photo from a red carpet, seemingly follow recommendations.

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The secret of the stylish nude-makeup is the maximum naturalness of the shades: the shadows are better to choose without shine, the shade of the most closely close to the natural tone of the skin - or refuse them at all. The emphasis on the eyes can be done at the expense of a carcass or - as a more evening version - overhead eyelashes.

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The shade of lipstick should also be natural, but it is better not to overdo with glitter: otherwise it turns out the effect of "Poted", non-trial lips (as in the photo below).

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Evening makeup under black dress

The win-win option for any solemn event or access to the light is an image of a seductive fatal woman, a combination of two classic colors - red and black. Correctly pick up a shade of red lipstick in any case - regardless of the skin condition and hair color. But, of course, especially expressively such an evening makeup under a black dress looks like a brunette or possessions of brown hair. And so that the image is especially bright and memorable, you can add several strokes and eye makeup - for example, "arrows". But from some saturated shades of shadows for the age, it is better to refuse to not "overload" makeup.

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Surprisingly, but bright red lipstick is perfect for women at any age - just take a look at the photo Helen Mirren! And even the evening image can be diversified with colored accessories and decorations that will add a highlight with a simple black dress. By the way, this option of evening makeup is perfectly suitable not only for monophonic models, but also for, for example, a red-black dress - the main thing is that the shade of lipstick and clothes harmonize with each other.

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Of course, only a red lipstick number of vessels of evening makeup, which would profitably emphasize the black dress, is not limited. The main rule in creating a memorable image is to choose something one: either eye makeup, or lip makeup. An excellent example is a bright, unusual eye makeup Lily Collins or coral alley Lipstick Alexa Chang in the photo below.

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Makeup under black and white dress

Nude Makeup In most cases, it's perfectly suitable for a black and white dress - that's just it is worth remembering that, the more white in the ensemble and the lighter natural skin tone, the greater the risk that the final image will be pale and "washed". Therefore, even when creating a casual image, Hollywood stars prefer makeup a little more bright.

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