Spoiler for the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part One"


One of the audience shares his impressions. She says that the film is not yet fully completed - the green screen remained, the music was not allowed everywhere. Also on the Internet there appeared a spoiler of the first part of the last film. Those who know this do not want, please Do not read spoiler:

  • Producers have not yet chosen the composer for the second part.
  • The duration of the film is about two and a half hours.
  • The first part begins with the conversion of the Minister of Magic to Wizards. Then we show the trinity, every jewel house. Hermione erases memory to her parents (its image is disappearing from photos).
  • The film ends on how Volan Demort pulls out the older wand from the grave of Dumbledore (before that they will show the scene of the riot funeral).
  • In the "Seven Potter" scene, the camera moves from the character to the character, each of which plays rarkliff. Voices and clothes remain from the previous owners.
  • A unique animation accompanies the story of Hermione about the history of death gifts.
  • Although Harry lets Hedwig after leaving Dursley, she dies during a collision with Voldemort.
  • And Cryer, and Dobby will appear in the film.
  • The film includes a series of flashbacks and memories to tell the prehistory of gifts and Horkruks.
  • The chase of death Eaters for Harry and Hagrid continues on a busy highway, where the Sirius motorcycle makes a loop in the tunnel.
  • Madame Maxim and Victor Cralim will be present at the wedding.
  • The confrontation of Ron Hermione and Harry continues throughout the first half of the film. His departure is very dramatically.
  • The Ministry of Magic begins the anti-propaganda of Magglov through posters and brochures.
  • Voldemort will be more than in other films.
  • Return is ridiculous and touching. The auditorium laughed at each scene with his participation.
  • Death Death Eaters are found when Xenophilius pronounces: "Voldemort", the word-taboo.
  • When the medallion is revealed, half-rolled Harry Ikermion appear in the air, passionately kissing, which leads Ron to rabies, and he destroys Horcrux.
  • Dementors are filled through the courtroom, where Ambridge Wire interrogation.
  • Nagaine crashes the mouth of Bagshot. The battle continues in the children's room of a neighboring house.
  • When Harry is chosen at all close to the sword, the medallion begins to choke him and pull on the bottom.
  • When Harry opens a medallion, spiders fell on Ron.
  • The tail will die in the second part (in the dungeon he was stunned Dobby).
  • The scene of quarrel between Harry and Remus will be in the film.
  • The film is not so much Rita Skiter. For the first time we hear her voice when Harry reads the "Prophet" at Dursley.
  • Dursley in the film for about 5 minutes.
  • The kiss between Harry and Ginny was not in Nore, they prevented George, unexpectedly entered the room, where they were lovers.
  • There was an attack of demarines on the trio camp, however, Harry uses "patronus".
  • The film includes a scene with the "Potter Watch", from where the Trinity lets about Ginny, Moon and Neville.
  • Having found a piano in the house on Grimmo Square, 12, Hermione only presses a couple of keys, and does not play, as many people assumed.
  • When Harry and Ko delivered to the estate of Malfoev, Draco regrets, recognized them.
  • Death Eater, who stopped Hogwarts-Express, is looking for Harry. He meets resistance to Neville at the chapter.
  • George loses his ear in the "Seven Potter" scene, the screenwriter retained the "breathing" fred joke.
  • Hogwarts appears only when Voldemort comes to pick up the older wand.
  • Harry does not turn into a cousin Weasley at a wedding.
  • Sirius mirror appears at Harry. I wonder how he got it?
  • As in the book, in Grimmo Square, 12, the Trinity meets the ghost of Dumbledore.
  • Cryer is unquestioned by Harry, however, the memories showing it and regulas in search of a medallion, there was no in the first part.
  • Young Dumbledore and Grindelwald appear together in the photo. Dumbledore's family was not shown.
  • After Torture Belastrix on the hand of Hermione appears "Mudnock".
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