Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness


Someone can say that the age is to blame. But we have other considerations on this subject: laziness, lack of control and improper lifestyle are to blame. Each public person can find a lot of excuses to justify negative changes in its own appearance. But even the most devoted fans are disappointed in the favorite idol when he starts to lose an attractive image.

Tyra Banks

American Supermodel Thara Banks recently noted the 46th anniversary. Thanks to its forms and an incredible desire for success, she won the love of millions of fans around the world. But, unfortunately, even such a strong woman at one point can just lower his hands and stop working on themselves. Otherwise, how to explain its current form?!

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_1

But, despite the extra weight, Tyra does not shy his changed body. She recently starred in a swimsuit for the cover of a popular sports magazine. From the former tightened figure there is almost nothing left, but, not paying attention to this, Tyra worked with great enthusiasm.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_2

The model explained its rapid and uncontrolled weight gain of the recent birth of a child. True, he was born with the help of surrogate motherhood services. Therefore, many people have a natural question: "How is the birth in which she did not take any participation, could affect the addition of an excess ten kilograms?"

Many assume that this is still guilty to the long-standing addiction to sweet. Banks itself once told:

I thought I needed to lose 14 kilograms, but then I saw ice cream. I adore him and just can't say no. Yes, we must train, follow our health and take vitamins. However, at times we should allow themselves to enjoy a spoonful of a sweet dessert.

Aishvaria Rai

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_3

The popularity of Indian fashion model, at one moment the Hollywood conquered and world podiums conquered, very quickly went to no - Aishvaria was very strong. This played the role of marriage and birth of daughter. Extra weight immediately disappeared with elegant forms, a narrow waist, thin wrists, even the almond-shaped shape of the eyes ceased to be such an attractive as before. Some Indians considered such a reincarnation for a personal insult, because before that, Aishwaria was their national pride. In addition, they accused her of excessive laziness and reluctance to work on themselves to return to the former beautiful shape.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_4


Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_5


Chanel Hayes

This English actress and the star of the famous Dutch show "Big Brother" today is far from the best form. For several months, nothing left of the slender and sexual model. Numerous shooting proposals, attention of men and old enthusiastic views scattered like fog. All the same notorious extra kilograms began to become uncertain. The only signs for which you can still learn Hayes are still a tattoo on the lower back and a charming smile.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_6

It is rumored that such a sharp weight gain occurred due to parting with a young man - Josh Singleton. Naturally, the strongest stress and long-lasting experiences could not but affect the appearance of the actress. Today she is trying to get rid of excess cargo, sweating in the gym and experimenting with diets. But so far, alas, to no avail. Moreover, Chanel has discovered problems with thyroid gland.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_7

Linda Evangelist

Canadian supermodel with Italian roots in the 90s "blew up" model business with its amazing and non-standard appearance. His "raisins" is too high, wide shoulders and the long legs of the 43rd size - the evangelist drew into amazing advantages. She was imitated by millions of women in different parts of the world and copied the haircut "under the boy", without fear of such a cardinal change.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_8

Recent years, the model prefers to spend his free time within the walls of his house, being with her son, and not appear in secular and social events. Apparently, the matter is absolutely not at the wishes of the Linda more often spending time with his family. The suspended and very changed evangelist does not want to attract the attention of the paparazzi and colleagues. Unfortunately, correct your appearance for her task is unbearable: great health problems have affected the Linda Life. It is because of them that she is forced to get used to themselves in a new weight.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_9

Kate Moss

One of the most scandalous and discussed stars in the model business is, perhaps, British Kate Moss. Most likely, the earlier glory and loud relations with Hollywood beauties Johnny Depp have influenced such causing behavior. High fees, popularity and love of fans forever spoiled the character of Kate. But despite her often inadequate behavior, she still achieved unprecedented heights.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_10

Similar to the boy, the fragile figure of the star helped her in the implementation of the goals and conquest of world recognition. But the fans do not sleep and notice the unpleasant changes in the appearance of Moss, they are confident that bad habits are to blame. Kate seems to be getting rid of alcohol and drugs, but the consequences of them remained.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_11

Jamma Ward

The top model from Australia with blue eyes and puppet appearance after the first appearance on the podium became the national symbol of his country. Model agencies fell in love with the original appearance of Gemma. But in this business she was lingering for a short time and left him at her request.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_12

From the early years, Gemma dreamed of becoming an actress, and with acquired fame to do it much easier. Due to dizzying success in the film "Black Ball", she decided to chop everything that connected her with the model business. Relaxing and laughing, Jemma lost its former attractiveness and scored a dozen kilograms. Many associate sharp changes in appearance with the death of the Hit Ledger, with whom she, by rumors, was a relationship.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_13

Crystal Rennes

The path to the glory of American supermodel was not even thorny, and painful and heavy. One of the familiar professional athletes opened the talent of the model in Crystal and "raised" her for exhausting diet and training. Thanks to the continuous control and proper lifestyle, the crystal kept itself almost in perfect form.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_14

But at one moment all this went to the Namarka. Suddenly emerged serious diseases crossed the entire star career model. She did not feel fate and began to enjoy life with all the pleasures accessible to her. And, as usual, it is precisely the crystal that helped. With acquired kilograms, it became more painful and more attractive than before. The girl moved into the category of a plus size model, where she achieved even greater glory.

The best way to make any of my dream is to stop hateing yourself and find a common language with your body. Proud of yourself as you are,

- said in one of the interviews happy "Pyshechka" Rennes.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_15

For a long time, she admired all the full girls and created a real idol out of it. But one day the crystal struck everyone: on one of the events, she appeared loose again. It disappointed all who believed her, once and forever.

Protected podium per kilograms: 8 supermodels that fused almost unconsciousness 56374_16

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