Star "Riverdale" Camila Mendez told about the difficulties of novels with colleagues in show business


Most recently, Camila first published in public with the new boyfriend - Viktor Hauston; With his chosen one, Mendez was familiar from school (they went to neighboring schools in Florida), and recently in New York they resumed familiarity - and already 2 months are found. In an interview with the Nylon magazine, Actress chose not to discuss his new novel, noting only that it was found in someone at all from this industry, "explained in detail in detail why refuses romantic relations with colleagues.

"Meet men in our industry is hard. I tried some time. I met with actors. It's hard: you get acquainted with people only through the work, and therefore it is not necessary for people close to you in spirit, similar to you are just the people with whom you meet, because you are working on one project. "

As a result, Mendez decided to refuse this approach:

"I realized that I don't like the actors too too much," she admits. "The actors are too complicated emotionally - one would think that they already understand it in their emotions better, but in fact there is no. I want some kind of outstanding, someone who is more stable. "

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